Thursday, October 9, 2008

On hiatus

So basically, I'm on hiatus for a little while; my internet is being ridiculous and I broke the little thing that makes it work. 

Bye for now (:

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I love walking just after it's started getting dark, when it's warm and there's a breeze. Mostly I think I like the fact that everybody's lights are on and I can see into their houses.
I really love being able to see what people are doing, or how their loungeroom is set out, or what colour their walls are painted. Which houses have children in them, who has a piano, who's arguing, who's eating dinner late.
It's probably the stalker in me.

In other news, I came home this afternoon to caramel sundae all over my car. Somebody had gone for a walk with a sundae from McDonalds, gotten bored of it right outside my house, and decided to throw it at my car. 


PS Amigo Night was way fun (: