Friday, September 19, 2008

My little OCD

You know when you're typing into Microsoft Word and you type a word incorrectly, like if you wrote 'consideratoin' instead of 'consideration', spellcheck automatically fixes it up for you?

If I notice that it's happened, I have this OCD thing where I have to go back and fix it up.

...Is that weird?

To be honest, it's really beginning to annoy me.


Annie said...

if its fixed why do you have to go back and rewrite it again??? or did i read that wrong.... i dont understand... as in you type something wrong and the cmpuer fixes it so now its right but you still go bak and erase the right word and type it right again???? is that waht your saying??? man im on my macbook pro at mo and its really weird typing on it still lol

i worked out wat ocd meant tho :)

aa said...

OMG I soo know what you mean! Lol maybe I'm OCD too... gah. whatever.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, this annoys me much too!

Do you ever do this:when someone speaks with a croaky voice and they need to clear their throat, you clear your own??
I do.
Maybe I'm the strange one!