Monday, September 15, 2008

A blog in four parts

Part one: Justice Kirby is coming to uni on Thursday ^_^ 
I'm totally going to his lecture, even if it is my day off and I have assignments.
I'm a bit too excited, maybe.
But Mr Dissent is going to be excelllllent!

Part two: Yes I made the pun up on my lonesome, kudos to me thankyou, yes.
One day I'm going to get a cat, and his name will be "Lolcat".

Part three
I have a new job, uhhuh, at Jamberoooooo (where you control the actionnnn) 
Training's on Friday, life is grand.

I wonder what the uniform's like...

Part four: 
I haven't thought of part four yet. Just read my Bear Grylls post again.


Annie said...

well welll... somebody is getting imaginative with her blogs. 4 parts. pah mine has more photos so ner :p

who the heckizzle is Justice Kerby? is he/she famous? can I come? who is Mr Dissent? And will you actually answer the questions I leave in these comments for once?!?! LOLLL i think you can comment yourself can't you... or you can reply me in a comment on my blog or something... somehow conversation doesn't seem to flow yet...

part 2
i observed your what you cal "pun" for quite a while... I'm really quite confuddled. lol as in it sounds like law and lol as in laugh out loud cat?!?! I LOVE MY CAT THOUGH! you shoulda seen him this morning keeping me company while i did my work. it was adddooorable!

Part 3
I WANNA KNOW YOUR UNIFORM TOO!!!!!!! i still cant believe you managed to get sucha cool job... it sounds more interesting than i work at a turkish restaurant. i hope the outcome is as excellent.. we shall see soon!

part 4
stuff that im not reading it again ive read it thrice! and its very nice :p

Annie said...

i can has cheezburger?!?!

are you purposely trying to confuse me.... what does that have to do with a cat????

why do you do this to me? WHYY???

Annie said...

i live in a swamp thank you very much and sure there are rocks here but I happen to not live under one... wat is a memes?

and *rolls eyes* ill check the site now..

Anonymous said...

"I'm totally going to his lecture, even if it is my day off and I have assignments."