I don't understand why people I don't know add me on facebook. I mean, sure, if we've talked or if I have a vague idea of who you are then okay, fair enough, I'm not going to complain if my friend count goes up.
But seriously, when you live on the other side of the world (America), you're a 30 year old man, and your name is "Faith"... I don't want to be your friend.
hey maybe he does know you. i mean there's always a chance...
your memory isn't what it used to be after alll.. and..
oh america... well.. maybe he came on exchange.. oh.. 30 yr old. maybe he's a relative of yours? OR maybe he's been secretly in love with you for years with a red hot passion which is slowly but surely devouring him from the inside.
and your rejection of him might result in his death. how bad would you feel then? gosh.. and if he is actually a stalker then he probably knows of your blog and reads it and is gonna read this and become quite angry and hunt you down and seek revenge he might even sue you!!!!
or he could be a really nice person..
haha, how awesome is it!
In response to your blog, I often get invites from middle eastern boys/men who send me messages saying "u beautiful and we be good friendz"
a little disturbing.
but I'm glad you liked the song anyway! :-D
but deep down... you love it...
internet randoms don't add me *cries*
...a 30 year old man named "Faith" added you? How...um...odd.
Also, I get random invites too. It's very annoying. Except mine are always from Indians or Middle Easterners with names I'm not sure the English language has the correct sounds to pronounce.
I don't seem to have that problem. And above all I don't have transsexuals named Faith adding me.
This is a rather popular post hm.
happens to me, but with Uni people.
They're like:heyyy, we go to the same uni..I'm like:So????
Strangers on the land of facebook creep me out.No one would do that in reality would they???
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