Thursday, August 28, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008


When I really don't want to do work, I find the most ridiculous ways to waste time. Here's the latest from my brain.

This is a picture of my criminal law textbook (sourced from the interwebz, not an actual photo ...mine does look like that but far more torn and ratty and far less blurry)

So I counted how many kilometers of reading there is in this here book.
10.254 km.
That's... not a very long distance to drive a car or ride a bike, but it's a long way when it's made up of little tiny words that I have to read.
So that's a total of 1 239 504 words, or 72 912 lines.
If it takes 7.6 minutes to read aloud one page, that's 6.949 24-hour days spent reading my textbook aloud cover to cover.
Or, if 167 hours straight of reading isn't your thing, if you just changed every word you spoke (for a woman, 20 000 a day, for a man, 12 000) it would take a woman 62 days to read it, and a man over 103 days.
...and I have to read it all :(


So now that I've got my braces off, everything's well and good. People comment and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It only takes a couple of minutes to brush my teeth. I can have corn-on-the-cob. I can have bubblegum.

But this poses a new problem:

When I chew bubblegum, and I blow big bubbles (big mofo kickass bubbles, for the record), they burst, and go over my glasses.
Don't laugh.
It's not funny.
It's really annoying.

So now I have to limit myself and just blow little weiner bubbles :(

Also, it's really cold.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a pointless update

Who loves gobstoppers?
(I love gobstoppers)

They've spilt all over the bottom of my bag, but I'm going to eat them anyway.

Life is good.
I can sit. Watch Arthur all afternoon. Boil water on the stove because the kettle blew up. Chillax to Bob Marley. Eat gobstoppers. Ponder life's intricacies.

In other news, Jocelyn Wildenstein really scares me:

(Aaaaahhhghhh run awayyy!!)

Hm.. what else? Today I tried to watch the French news, you know, so as to keep up my rapidly declining ability, but... it was in English.
I got really confused after watching a 10 minute speech by Obama not dubbed with a French voiceover and then it cut to newsreaders speaking in English. So either I've gotten really incredibly good at translation, or austar was wrong.

Namaste, bitches <3

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear Internet

Dear Internet:

I know we've had our ups and downs. I know I sometimes overuse you. I know I sometimes yell at you. But I wish you wouldn't take your frustration out on me this way.
I would really like to be able to open hotmail in less than 10 minutes.
Please start working properly again.
Or I might be tempted to replace you with something productive. Like study.

Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Brady

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So, apparently, I can post to here from my mobile. If that's true, that's got to be THE coolest thing I've heard for a vureh long time.
I'm going to try in a sec.

Wish me luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

[edit] -Okay, phone doesn't want to cooperate. It keeps restarting. So I guess I'll try it later :((((

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Can the olympics BE any more boring?

Does not watching the olympics make me a bad person?

It seems like it's everyone's default conversation topic lately.
"So... have you been watching the olympics?"

*end conversation*

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ummm okay

Me: Annie recorded Lucky because I told her you always listen to it in the car.
Mum: ........Tell her i love her more than you.


There's this thing I want to start doing. I want to thank God (or, being a cynical atheist, a higher authority in general) for something beautiful every day.
Not necessarily something grand or world-changing; just something.

Today the thing I'm thankful for is finding my argyle socks with the padded bottoms and non-elasticised tops.

Yeah, so it's a stupid thing to be thankful for... but it keeps my feet warm ^-^

There was a bee on my bus this afternoon. With a whole busful of windows to buzz at and people to freak out, it chose me and my window. I couldn't even change seats because I'd look like I'm scared of bees. Which I am. But it's not the sort of thing a busful of people I don't know needs to know.
So instead, I sat for an hour next to a bee who didn't understand that having a big piece of glass in the way would inhibit his ability to fly out the window.

Le sigh.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi, I'm Jessica and this is my first post

I didn't go to uni today.
I should have finished class about 10 minutes ago. But I didn't go, so... I didn't. I was tired and uni is boring and the only reason I would have liked to have gone was to be way cool in my new Jason Mraz shirt xD
I bought it at the show the other night; it's my third but I only have two left... I accidentally set one on fire, yes, and don't want to talk about it.
It's excellent. It's got a galaga pattern on, something a bit like this:


For those of you not in the know, Galaga is a fixed shooter arcade game and the sequel to Galaxian. It was released by Namco in 1981; the US version was released the same year under license to Midway.The player controls a fighter spaceship that can move left and right along the bottom of the playfield. Enemies fly in groups into a formation near the top of the screen, then begin flying down toward the player, firing bombs at and attempting to collide with the fighter.
(Thank you wikipedia)

The concert was brilliant. Annie came and we lined up for hours and hours with a bunch of other hardcore fans, made some friends, ate musk sticks, took photos and listened to soundcheck. We got front row and had an insanely good time bouncing along to the horns and doing the dynamo dance... If you don't know what that is then you probably don't care.

But it was by far the best of every concert I've ever been to (past Mraz shows included) and the best Annie's been to too, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy (:

In other news, I have a no-bill application to write by Friday and seeing as I have no idea what that actually is, I should probably stop wasting time writing this and start writing that.

Peace out bitches

Jess <3