Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There's this thing I want to start doing. I want to thank God (or, being a cynical atheist, a higher authority in general) for something beautiful every day.
Not necessarily something grand or world-changing; just something.

Today the thing I'm thankful for is finding my argyle socks with the padded bottoms and non-elasticised tops.

Yeah, so it's a stupid thing to be thankful for... but it keeps my feet warm ^-^

There was a bee on my bus this afternoon. With a whole busful of windows to buzz at and people to freak out, it chose me and my window. I couldn't even change seats because I'd look like I'm scared of bees. Which I am. But it's not the sort of thing a busful of people I don't know needs to know.
So instead, I sat for an hour next to a bee who didn't understand that having a big piece of glass in the way would inhibit his ability to fly out the window.

Le sigh.


Anonymous said...

my gosh youve written a lotta stuff already!!!




a bee? bah if you had moved i woulda pointed laughed and said you were a sissy.

Anonymous said...

There's this thing called "opening the window". It's a complex concept. You should try it some time.