Saturday, August 23, 2008


When I really don't want to do work, I find the most ridiculous ways to waste time. Here's the latest from my brain.

This is a picture of my criminal law textbook (sourced from the interwebz, not an actual photo ...mine does look like that but far more torn and ratty and far less blurry)

So I counted how many kilometers of reading there is in this here book.
10.254 km.
That's... not a very long distance to drive a car or ride a bike, but it's a long way when it's made up of little tiny words that I have to read.
So that's a total of 1 239 504 words, or 72 912 lines.
If it takes 7.6 minutes to read aloud one page, that's 6.949 24-hour days spent reading my textbook aloud cover to cover.
Or, if 167 hours straight of reading isn't your thing, if you just changed every word you spoke (for a woman, 20 000 a day, for a man, 12 000) it would take a woman 62 days to read it, and a man over 103 days.
...and I have to read it all :(


Savvv. said...


Annie said...

when your born you start dying. so you might as well have a good time. sheep go to heaven. goats go to hell.

you should not have wasted what musta hbveeen quite a bit of time on that. you general maths nerd you :p